
5 Things You Can Outsource to Make Your Life Easier Right Now

You are crazy sick insane busy. And all of our posts about how to do your SEO and how to write good copy and run social media can be a little bit annoying if you’re just trying to find enough time in your day to eat lunch never mind learn new stuff, are we right?  Well, what would happen if you outsourced some of those detail-y things you’re so busy doing so you can carve out a little time to, oh, we don’t know, pay attention to your business?

 Here’s a list of 5 things you can take off your plate right now so that you can free up a little bandwidth and get down to what you set out to do.

Social Media

It looks easy, but it’s not. Running a social media campaign takes a bit of work to manage and build. You’ve got to build your fan base, generate interesting content and respond to user comments. All that stuff takes time and while you might be hesitant to give up control of your social media, it makes sense. Monitoring and posting regularly are crucial and you’ll find that it’s difficult to carve out time to do that. Outsourcing to a professional is a great way to make sure someone is always watching and always looking for great content to post. It may require a bit of ramp up time for them to catch up to your industry, but after things start running, you’ll be very pleased with the results.


Hiring some marketing folks can be a very big help. They can help you formulate your marketing message and help you get your wording right for your website, blog, newsletters, emails, case studies, brochures and media pitches. Hiring a marketing professional is even more important if you’re just starting out because they can help you communicate with your target market about who you are and what you do so you can establish a great reputation right from the start.


Copywriters do all sorts of writing. They can write all of the materials we just mentioned above for you and make sure you have concise messaging that conveys exactly the right things in exactly the right way. Not everyone relishes the idea of sitting down to write a newsletter or blog post because writing is difficult and time consuming work. When you’re trying to manage a business, you don’t have time to sit and draft a bunch of stuff, so hiring a copywriter to do all that for you is a great solution. If your budget doesn’t allow you to hire someone to write an entire piece, you can always have them edit it for you to make sure it’s perfect.


Search Engine Optimization is not a “set it and forget it” proposition. Things are constantly changing and if you’re not getting in there to check your analytics and perform updates and improvements, your campaign is going to suffer greatly. Hiring someone whose job it is to stay abreast of the changing tides will make your life easier and your website more effective, not to mention spare you from a big ol’ headache.

Graphic Design

Many businesses design their own menus, brochures, business cards and flyers. While they come out fine and are adequate for their purpose, they often lack the impact of a professionally designed and printed piece. After all, there’s only so much you can do with the software you have before you need to tap into some professional resources. You can easily outsource your design work and take that headache off your plate while getting professional pieces that have that little extra sparkle.

Once you’ve moved some things around, you’ll realize that there’s no need to be all things all the time. These details really pull your focus away from strategizing, planning for your future and keeping up relationships with your customers. You can actually lose money if your attention is so divided that you can’t make your business grow. Start small and outsource just one thing and we promise you the results will be tangible.

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